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A Letter to the Vaccinated
By Dr. Angela Durante, Prof Denis Rancourt, and et al. Global Research, November 01, 2021 Ontario Civil Liberties Association 29 August 2021 Region: Canada Theme: Law and Justice, Science and Medicine *** Following their “Open Letter to the Unvaccinated”, an expanding...
Emotional Stress and the Immune System
In last post we looked at the connections between the brain and immune system. This led to reflection on the role of the vagus nerve and its role in this process. This led us to question whether it was possible to communicate with the vagus nerve so as to decrease...
Implications of the Brain-Immune System Connection
In the last post we examined the early emergence of psychoneuroimmunology, concluding with the insights of Steven Maier on the brain-immune system connection. So how exactly does that connection work? Here’s what Maier discovered. According to Maier: “your...
Early 20th Century Animal Research on the Mind-Body Connection
The last couple posts have been telling the story of the early history of diagnostics which recognized the importance of the mind-body connection and taking account for the role of emotion in an individual’s health. Here are the links to the last couple of posts...
Start Your Day with Optimal Health
5 Tips to Begin Your Day Feeling Refreshed and Energized Whether you are the CEO of a major corporation responsible for the gain or failure of your company, or the CEO of your household with kids running rampant and a list of never-ending chores, you still need time...
Unmasking the Symptoms of Dis-Ease
One woman’s journey from dis-ease to optimal health Always being a healthful-minded, go-getter type of person, my career and family life have always been extremely busy. As an entrepreneur and mother of three, everything was scheduled down to the minute, yet...
Is a Vaccine Pass Legal?
Regardless of your personal choice to take one of the ways of diminishing symptomatic response to the then covid-virus, I am quite sure most of you realize that when it comes to the Delta variant and the many new variants that focusing so specifically on a spike...
Letter to Your Employer
***THIS IS NOT INTENDED AS LEGAL ADVICE. You use this accepting the circumstances that may come from presenting this letter to your employer. Please consult a lawyer for legal advice*** Please use as you see fit. Edit it to make it your own with your details. ...
Vaccine Mandate
In my experience as a health professional and a business owner, it is vitally important to ensure business practices meet and/or exceed Health & Safety Regulations and follow all applicable laws to protect the lives, health, and wellness of all their employees....
Is Fear Causing Your Dis-Ease?
How fear can cripple your body, mind, and spirit As the spine-chilling images of a new horror film flicker across the screen, your heart races as you try to anticipate the impending scare. Knowing the ‘killer’ will pop out at any second but not wanting to miss a thing...
Open Letter to the Unvaccinated
It has become evident to me that several clients and patients are feeling coerced into medical procedures that are yet to be proven as effective and safe for all segments of the population. Making any medical decision about your body requires informed consent....
Treat the Person, Not the Disease
We concluded the last post with a discussion of the contribution of Samuel Hahnemann to symptom diagnosis and homeopathic treatment. The key idea was that diagnosis and treatment required a full assessment of the individual patient’s larger life situation. The point...
Samuel Hahnemann and the Reinvention of Symptomatology
My last post began a discussion of important historical figures in health diagnostics who laid the ground work for recognizing the importance of not neglecting the fundamental mind-body connection. Arguably, the most important of these was Samuel Hahnemann. Known as...
A Long History of Recognizing the Mind-Body Connection
The earliest physicians understood that health encompassed the mind, body and spirit. This insight can be traced back to the 2nd century. with Claudius Galen, an influential Roman physician, who noticed that any part of the body can affect any other part through...
Stepping Back a Moment to Remember the Big Picture
Over the last year and a bit that I have been writing this blog, we’ve covered a lot of material. I began way back at the outset with the project of dissecting the conventional SOAP approach to patient evaluation. Though we’ve taken many detours and required some deep...
Clear choices in health care: which will you choose?
Recently, Dr. Daniel Amen has performed functional studies of tens of thousands of brains. Many “mood disorders” can actually be visualized as distortions and concavities in the actual brain and can be readily repaired with proper nutrition and “brain food.” When...
Antidepressants: More Harm than Good?
Anti-depressants interfere with the brain's natural self-regulation of serotonin and other neurotransmitters. The brain can over correct once medication is suspended, triggering new depression. All forms of antidepressants disturb the brain's natural regulatory...
The Ugly Little Secret about Antidepressants and Relapse
Let’s refocus discussion on the therapeutic effects on patients. Evolutionary psychologist Paul Andrews, an assistant professor in the Department of Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour, is the lead author of a 2011 article in the journal Frontiers of Psychology....
More Categories Means More Drugs, Not More Health
Let’s follow up on our last post ( on the history of psychiatry. It is interesting to note that both the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-I) and DSM-II,...
Psychiatry’s Role in the Suppression of Emotional Symptoms
The history of psychiatric medicine offers an illustrative example of just the kind of Cartesian-based misunderstandings about the mind-body connection that leads to ideas about emotional suppression which I discussed in my last post...
Drugs are the only way to suppress emotions and that can’t be healthy
In the last couple posts ( I discussed the implications of the faulty assumption that somehow people suppressed their emotions. We’ve seen why this doesn’t make sense and can’t be true....
Insights from Gabor Maté on Emotions and Health
In another post ( I addressed the widespread myth of emotional suppression or repression and explained how this construct misunderstood and misrepresented the healing process and health...
There is No Such Thing as Emotional Suppression
In my other post ( we explored the idea of suppression. The body is not equipped to suppress itself. Illness is either expressed through signs and symptoms or released through elimination or...
Emotional Release and Good Health
In my last post ( we considered the shortcomings of both suppression and expression as means for dealing with emotional trauma. Today we’ll consider the third option: releasing. ...