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Long Term Effects of Gene Modification Therapy
I applaud Dr. Charles D. Hoffe for taking the extra step to alert Dr. Bonnie Henry and hope to see more of our physicians and medical staff taking the time to report all reactions whether large or small. The jab has been rolled out to people all across the country...
Your Body Is Smarter Than You Think. Why Aren’t You Listening?
Chronic pain is a debilitating symptom that affects our mind, body, and inner well-being and often leads to the prescription of opioids which are powerful pain-reducing medications that include oxycodone, morphine, hydrocodone, and many more. Unfortunately, once on...
The Double-Edged Sword of Expressing Our Emotions
I’ve spent quite a while now discussing the symptom as a bodily function. Now I’d like us to look at the emotions as symptoms. Given that at least one-tenth of the North American population is taking some form of anti-psychotic medication, what we perceive to be the...
The Biggest Lost Public Health Message – VITAMIN D
Dr. Ryan Cole is the CEO and Medical Director of Cole Diagnostics, one of the largest independent labs in the State of Idaho. Dr. Cole is a Mayo Clinic trained Board Certified Pathologist. He is Board Certified in anatomic and clinical pathology. He has expertise in...
Use Reboot® to Boost All Your Systems
So glad you ended up here. Most people wait to deal with the consequences of their inaction. They wait to be sick, to be in pain, to suffer from all kinds of chronic conditions. And thank Godness, your body is smarter than you think- because of course, it can deal...
Recognizing Emotions as Symptoms
I’ve spent quite a while now discussing the symptom as a bodily function. Now I’d like us to look at the emotions as symptoms. Given that at least one-tenth of the North American population is taking some form of anti-psychotic medication, what we perceive to be the...
Addressing the Patient as a Whole
Let me ask you a question: are we really in a world in which ‘superbugs’ are out to eradicate the human race? Or are we really in a world in which we need to learn how to manage and live alongside stressors, even if we believe them to be bacteria instead of our own...
The Righteous Indignation of the Dominant Paradigm at Work
In my last post I told the terrible story of how I was cut off (from a socialized health care system which I support with my taxes, despite my disapproval of so many of its methods) from the option of monitoring results from of the treatment for my stage 4 cancer that...
My Cancer Diagnosis and My Prescription Refusal
I was faced with the conflicting views toward disease and its treatment discussed in the last few posts. After refusing a prescribed hysterectomy at an Ontario Oncology ward, to treat my Stage 4 cancer, I was dismissed from the hospital. Both the nurse and I, were in...
The Losing Battle of Fighting Infectious Disease
In the last couple posts I’ve been examining the processes of endogenous cell decay as an alternative to the mainstream paradigm of the Germ Theory of Disease. We’ve seen how certain internal processes can generate the cell decay that gives rise to invasion of...
The Lactic Acid, Yeast and Cancer Connection
In my last post we examined how yeast, fungus and mold contributed to susceptibility to illness through processes that starved tissue of oxygen. Among the by-products of the process are uric acid and acetaldehyde. The amount of uric acid and acetaldehyde produced by...
The Makings of a Compromised Terrain
We left off in the last post asking the question, if the Germ Theory of Disease was wrong, and germs did not cause disease, but were rather a response to illness, then what exactly were these bacteria doing? To answer that question, we have to set it into the larger...
Why Trademark a Business Name
People have asked me why Trademark a business name. Provided you have the url for the name, there is a degree of security that your name and brand will allow you to stay in business. If you don’t own the .com, it is always possible that traffic intended to go to you...
Pasteur Recants
In the last post I recounted the story of Pasteur and Bechamp’s contributions to our understanding of the relationship between germs and disease. After initially promulgating the Germ Theory of Disease, even Pasteur, in response to Bechamp’s research and his own study...
Are Germs Infections or Scavengers?
In my last post I introduced the dispute between Louis Pasteur and Antoine Bechamp over the chronology in the development of illness. Advance research methods and technology allowed Bechamp to challenge Pasteur’s Germ Theory of Disease. Bechamp demonstrated that in...
The Germ Theory of Disease as Dominant Paradigm
I concluded my last post pointing out that as scientific evidence accumulates paradigms are forced to shift. I also suggested that our understanding of effective assessment would benefit from the perspective of some history that puts the currently popular health care...
Symptoms Manifest Bodily Processes. Misunderstand the Symptom and We’ll Mis-assess the Body
Let’s explore symptoms as they manifest in bodily processes. Early on, symptoms often appear to be inflammatory or eliminatory in nature. This is the body’s attempt to reach homeostasis, eliminating the problem and the body’s waste products naturally. Often in...
What is Assessment?
I’ve been writing this blog for just about a year now. Though we’ve been required to make a number of detours, exploring some matters in greater depth, it all began with my desire to unpack the meaning that can be derived from the standard SOAP formula. It has taken...
Doctors Should Inspire Patients’ Trust in their Healing Potential
In recent posts we’ve examined some of the troubles arising from an excessive focus on symptoms and how they’re commonly treated. What if we took a slightly different approach and concluded: When the body produces Symptoms, LISTEN; it is trying to say something. A...
A Case of Diagnostic Failure
In my last post I addressed the concern of patients’ who had conditions neglected by health care providers as a result of the inability to attach a name to a condition, with the requisite drug therapy dictated. A while back I had a patient who came to see me with a...
The Misplaced Power of Naming
Probably one of the most troubling presentations is the patient who is experiencing signs and symptoms of illness and is seeking a label to explain their discomfort, but is turned away by medical experts who give the patient a clean bill of health. The approach of...
The Missing Link Of Modern Medicine
Long ago, doctors used to believe that the fascia, the yellowish material just beneath the skin, served no purpose. To them, it was merely cushioning the body like a layer of fat. During surgery, it was simply removed because they thought it was just not that...
Going Under The Knife_ What You Need To Hear Before Considering Surgery
Everyone has that still quiet voice inside them, and it speaks constantly. Amidst the noise and chaos of the world, people turn their focus on other things. Like ghosts, they walk around never truly connecting with themselves. They exist in a space between needless...
Why You Should Follow Your Path
Everyone talks about finding one’s life purpose, but not many people know what it is. As a child, it’s easy to dream big dreams. You can be an astronaut, a pirate or a mermaid. Children are unafraid even of dreaming what grown-ups would consider dreams that are “too...