Lisa Brown - Bowen Therapist Directory

Lisa Brown

Bowen Therapy & Reflexology
Work Phone: 416-315-2152 Website: Head 2 Toe Bowen Therapy & Reflexology
Photo of Lisa Brown

Biographical Info

Who am I

Lisa Brown, a certified Bowen Practitioner and certified Reflexologist (RCRT) who also does Indian Head Massage. She has integrity and respect for her clients, always open to possibilities and listens to what clients need.

What I Do

I help individuals relieve physical and emotional pain by restoring proper function to the body.  I do this by stimulating the nervous system which allows the body to move from fight or flight mode to rest, relax and repair.

Do you, or someone you know wake up in the morning with aches and pains?


Toronto, Brampton, GTA,

It amazes me how many people I see or talk to that would rather take a pain killer or live with the pain rather than have the issues addressed.  My name is Lisa Brown and I am your pain killer!

How I can Help:

Bowen Therapy and Reflexology addresses a wide variety of acute and chronic conditions.  Some of these include, but are not limited to improvement in mobility, reduced stress and pain, increased energy and circulation, lymphatic drainage and detoxification.


  • BowenFirst™
  • Bowtech Practitioner
  • CBHT (Certified Bowen Health Therapist)


  • English
Categories: Bowen College, BowTech