In my last post I discussed the difficulties pain posed for effective assessment, given its subjective character, and how addressing pain first was the prime directive in my practice.


Perhaps the most effective way of addressing the multifactorial, psycho-physical condition, which manifests in various parts of the body and with varying degrees of intensity, is with BowenFirst™ treatments. This treatment is like a body language translator that allows the therapist to follow the signals the body is giving. This therapy involves using gentle touch to allow the body to let go of its “stuck” patterns of pain and restriction.


It is as though, in a self-protective effort, which at first may have been warranted, the body got “stuck” protecting its part with pain, calcification, inflammation or swelling – all attempts to immobilize the damaged joint. The pattern outlives the actual damage, and thus with a simple touch, the body is “rebooted,” first by un-programming the pain pathways, and then by reminding the body that it can heal.


Maybe there is something else that is being transmitted through the “simple touch” of hands that the body laps up so ravenously? James Oschman points out that the wall of connective tissue around an injury (the defenses) does not need to be there if there are enough electrons in the ground substance to neutralize the free radicals. He believes that the walling off, is a defense of the body when it is electron-nutrient deficient (Oschman, 2003)


In my next post I’ll discuss my experience treating pain using the BowenFirst technique.