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Journaling for Mental Clarity: How Writing Can Help You Process Emotions, Set Goals, and Gain Insight
In our fast-paced world, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the constant stream of thoughts, emotions, and responsibilities that fill our minds. Finding clarity amidst the chaos can be challenging, but there’s a simple, effective tool that many people overlook:...
The Healing Power of Pauses in BowenFirst™ Therapy
One of the most unique aspects of BowenFirst™ Therapy is the intentional pauses that occur throughout the treatment. These pauses might seem unusual to those unfamiliar with the technique, but they play a crucial role in the therapy's effectiveness. So, why are these...
Detoxifying Your Home Environment: Simple Steps for a Healthier Living Space
Detoxifying Your Home Environment: Simple Steps for a Healthier Living Space Your home is your sanctuary—a place where you relax, unwind, and spend quality time with loved ones. But did you know that the air inside your home can sometimes be more polluted than the air...
Understanding Fascia: The Body’s Hidden Network
Fascia is a fascinating and often overlooked component of the human body. This intricate network of connective tissue surrounds and supports every muscle, bone, nerve, and organ, acting as a continuous web that holds our bodies together. Fascia is not just structural;...
What Is Holistic Health? Understanding the Principles and Practices
In an era where conventional medicine often focuses on treating symptoms rather than addressing root causes, holistic health offers a refreshing and comprehensive approach to well-being. But what exactly is holistic health, and how does it differ from traditional...
Celebrating the Legacy of Manon Bolliger: A Pioneer in Naturopathic Medicine and Bowen Therapy
Manon Bolliger's name is synonymous with holistic healing, dedication, and a deep commitment to the well-being of her patients. As a retired naturopathic physician and an accomplished Bowen Therapist, Manon has left an indelible mark on the field of natural medicine,...
The Hidden Dangers of Stress: How It Affects Your Body and Mind and How BowenFirst™ Therapy Can Help
In our fast-paced world, stress has become a constant companion for many of us. Whether it's due to work pressures, financial concerns, or personal relationships, stress can have a significant impact on both our physical and mental health. While some stress is a...
The Journey to Becoming a Bowen Therapist: A Guide for Aspiring Practitioners
If you’re passionate about holistic health and intrigued by the potential of BowenFirst™ Therapy, you might be considering a career as a Bowen Therapist. This rewarding path allows you to help others achieve better health and well-being through a gentle, non-invasive...
Living with Chronic Pain: How BowenFirst™ Therapy Can Help Alleviate Discomfort by Addressing the Root Cause
Chronic pain is a complex and often debilitating condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Unlike acute pain, which is usually a direct response to an injury or illness, chronic pain persists long after the initial cause has healed. This persistent pain can...
Understanding BowenFirst™ Therapy A Gentle Approach to Holistic Healing
In the realm of holistic therapies, BowenFirst™ Therapy stands out for its unique approach to healing. This gentle, non-invasive therapy has gained recognition for its effectiveness in addressing a wide range of health issues. Whether you're new to BowenFirst™ Therapy...
Healthcare Has to be Personal to Work
pre-med training, four-year full time study in naturopathic medicine, and seven years of post-graduate training in homeopathic medicine and Bowen therapy, it turned out that none of these paths – in allopathy, naturopathy, homeopathy, physical therapies, or psychological approaches – offered me a clear solution. No stand-alone therapy was complete without my full presence and engagement with it. I had to overcome all my objections and look at my belief system, investigate the operating presumptions before I could “surrender” into any approach at all.
My Personal Journey of “Dis-ease”
Today, I am at peace with my health. I have “found myself” on this journey. I am free of scoliosis, tuberculosis, multiple sclerosis, and cancer, and I am living a life full of happiness and gratitude. I have realized that healing is about living life with consciousness and presence. Since 1992 I’ve helped thousands of patients and trained hundreds of students to achieve optimum health and to engage fully in their lives. In the series of posts to come, I’ll share those insights with you.
Save Our Supplements
We Need To Keep Up The Fight To Save Our Supplements The fight to Save Our Supplements is not over yet — Health Canada continues to rush through new laws and significant fees to import, manufacture and sell Canadian-regulated Natural Health Products (NHPs),...
Your Health Choices
Our Private Member’s Bill made it to the House of Commons! SHAWN BUCKLEY DRAFTED A PRIVATE MEMBER’S BILL While you were busy writing letters and sending postcards to educate our MPs, Shawn Buckley was busy drafting a new Private Member’s Bill to repeal sections...
Healthcare Paradigm as Social Justice
Medicine is not the only field experiencing these major shifts of perception. In fact, no field or profession is exempt from its skeptics, philosophers, or innovators. Take the field of law.
Embrace The New Paradigm
Embrace The New ParadigmIn my book, What Patients Don’t Say, If Doctors Don’t Listen, I discussed how the day-to-day challenges of our practices can wear down the initial inspiration to heal for many healthcare professionals. It doesn’t need to be that way, though....
Break Out Of Your Old Habits
how do we break out of our old cyclical habits and get there? With fear and uncertainty in our way, building walls of shame and anxiety… gaining back our health can sometimes seem and feel like an impossible destination. How can we find time to incorporate a new lifestyle into our day-to-day when we are busy with work and family responsibilities?
How To Understand & Release Trauma
35 women came together to ‘share their stories about being assaulted by Bill Cosby and the culture that wouldn’t listen.’ (NY Times) This represents a turning point on how our society views and understands the different types of trauma that exist. Now, particularly online ‘there is a strong sense that speaking up is the only right thing to do, that a women claiming her own victimhood is more powerful than any other weapon in the fight against rape’(NY Times) and healing from trauma.
Are Doctor’s Tongues/Hands Tied?
Many have a personal story, often of a family member or relative who suffered. Whether or not they died or were “saved,” a light was turned on because of their experience. The practitioner enters the field of medicine driven by a desire to help others or find a solution to unresolved health issues.
The Doctor-Patient Relationship: Heart of the Art of Healing
As we have seen, therapeutic effect is increased if the patient is aligned with the treatment and has positive reinforcement for the outcomes. Research confirms the beneficial effects of patients’ increased control over their health and body. Approaches to treatment...
Congruence and Context Make the Difference
Over the course of these blog posts, I hope we’ve learned the importance of congruence, context, and expectation in treatment. These are all factors established in relationship and cannot be “objectively” measured. Further, it is not what we do that matters; it is the...
The Importance of Congruence in the Doctor-Patient Relationship
This blog’s discussions of the limits of SOAP remind us that the “plan” is a journey. The destination is a doctor-patient relationship built on congruence of perception, aim and method: key to aligning for success. When discussing placebo, M.J. Simmonds (2000) states:...
The End of the Disease Model
Over this series of blog post, I hope I’ve convinced you the SOAP form is fraught with the assumptions that lie at the base of conventional medicine. In fact, it has spawned a “relationship” between the doctor and the patient that is neither conducive to the...
The Health Practitioner’s Journey
“The science of medicine must be deployed to elucidate the art of medicine; otherwise, medicine falls short, both as science and art.” (Miller & Colloca, 2011) I set a mission for myself when I began this blog. It has been a long journey, lasting several years....