Do you know a teacher, nurse or school employee that could benefit from coverage with Bowen Therapy?

Do you have friends or family residing in the province of Alberta? Then this is for you!

Join us & advocate for Bowen Therapy coverage in Alberta! Simply download the attached letter HERE and have your clients, friends and family members send them this letter if they are covered through ASEBP! We need a total of 50 letters in 1-year to make this happen. 


After all, our teachers, retired nurses and school employees are worth it!


The Alberta School Employee Benefit Plan (ASEBP), is an insurance company that provides extended health benefit plans to current and some retired Alberta school employees (i.e. teachers, janitors, bus drivers, etc.) and retired members of United Nurses of Alberta (i.e. retired nurses).

Natural Health Practitioners of Canada (NHPC) & ASEBP are working to begin their process to review the addition of new services or products to their plans. Before a service or product can be reviewed, they require a minimum of 50 unique requests from their plan members within a one-year period. 

Why is this important?

Once this threshold has been met, the service of Bowen Therapy will be reviewed by the ASEBP Board of Governors to consider whether they will add it to their plans. This is the final step towards getting coverage for Bowen Therapy for more than 30,000 people in Alberta! 

STEP 1:  Identify as an ASEBP client

STEP 2:  Download, sign & date the letter (1 per person)

STEP 3: Scan and email to [email protected]  or Mail to Allendale Centre East, Suite 301, 6104-104 Street NW, Edmonton, AB T6H 2K7

STEP 4:  Get everyone you know to do Steps 1-3.  We only need 50 letters in 1 year to get Bowen Therapy Covered