Bowen College Online Courses
Welcome to Bowen College’s individual online course option. Now you can learn all the prerequisites required to become a Certified Bowen Health Therapist (C.B.H.T.) without having to register for the entire program. Our online courses are designed to build the basic foundation required for the graduate level certification. Please NOTE: taking the courses separately increases the overall cost of the program to you. Please contact [email protected] for details.
Reboot Your Body (online course)
Anatomy & Physiology (online course)
E-Functional Muscle Anatomy (online course)
Nutrition and Bowen (online course)
Bowen Meridien Connections (online course)
If you wish to complete the certification for The Complete CBHT Program you will receive these courses at a discounted cost. The purchase of individual courses, as seen below may be credited to the full program costs. Please contact [email protected] for details.
PLEASE NOTE: If you have completed equivalent coursework to these prerequisites, at one of our affiliate institutions, please contact us to apply them to this program. Contact us for details at [email protected]
CE Credits:
It is the student’s responsibility to be sure the course is approved for recognition within their governing body.
Reboot Home Care Kit eCourse
The Reboot Your Body Home Study Program will give you a taste of BowenFirst™ so you can learn some basic moves that you can start applying right away.
This online course is for ANYONE who wants to help improve the overall health of family and friends and wants a simple technique they can use right in their own home. No healthcare background required. This course was designed with the philosophy that anyone can heal, and ANYONE can be a healer.
This means that you get to meet other folks who are at the same level, practice with each other and learn the technique under the guidance of a CBHT. We will make sure you have the right technique so you can make sure you are getting the most out of your treatments.
You can either purchase right away by clicking the button below OR you if you still are not sure or have questions you can contact us to set up a consultation where we can see how this might fit into your life and answer all of your questions.
CE Hours = 14 hours
TOTAL COST: $997.00 (USD)
Course Description
You will start with a Video online course that takes you through the basics of Bowen Therapy. Learn easy body protocols that will help with such conditions as:
- Stress & Anxiety
- Hormone imbalances
- A slow and broken metabolism
- Lack of vitality
- Lack of proper and restorative sleep
- Repetitive pain cycles
- Inefficient absorption of vital nutrients
- Improper detoxification and elimination
Included in the cost of tuition:
- Video online course
- Step by step illustrated manual
TOTAL COST: $997.00 (USD)

Simple Solutions for Stress eCourse
Is stress negatively impacting your life?
Register Right Now for Free Training on
Simple Solutions for Stress.
When you register right now for your free training you’re about to learn:
- How to Release Chronic Stress
- How to Rid Yourself of it’s Cascading Negative Effects
- How to Deal with Pain Naturally & Effectively
CE Hours = 7 hours
TOTAL COST: $297.00 (USD)
Course Description
Module 1 The Fundamentals of Stress
- What is stress?
- What causes stress?
- How does stress impact and affect your body?
- Misconceptions about healing
- What does Reboot Your Body mean?
Module 2 The REPERCUSSIONS of NOT addressing stress & CHRONIC DISEASE
- The repercussions of not addressing stress
- The impact of unidentified trauma
- How the body stores trauma
- How to address pain
Module 3 Pain
- What is pain and how does it work?
- Inflammation
- Why trauma cycles into pain
- How to relax your upper back
Module 4 The Role of Cellular Memory in Trauma & Healing
- Cell memory
- Scar tissue
- The body’s electrical communication system
- How the body heals
Module 5 Mental Health
- Mental health
- Memory
- The power of touch
- Completing the Lower Body Integration
Module 6 Stress Management
- Review of main points
- How to relax the neck
- Take home suggestions following Reboot completion
- How to incorporate this into your life
TOTAL COST: $297.00 (USD)

Anatomy & Physiology eCourse
This course helps students to form a comprehensive understanding of the human anatomy and how it relates to Bowen Therapy.
In the Anatomy course, you will learn about the muscles of the body. The specific focus of the course is to help you gain knowledge of the origin and insertion of each muscle associated with the Bowen Protocols. This knowledge will assist you in assessing the client’s individual needs. In the Physiology course, you will learn the basic functions of each of the 11 body systems and their relationship to certain pathologies and the Bowen Protocols.
CE Hours = 160 hours
$450.00 (USD)
This course covers the function of the human body. In each unit, you will cover the function, anatomy and some pathology of that system.
The subjects covered include
- Homeostasis
- Negative & positive feedback systems
- Energy within the body
- Composition of the body
- Biochemistry basics
- Tissue
- Skin
- Skeletal system
- Muscles
- Nervous system
- Senses
- Pain
- Endocrine system
- Cardiovascular system
- Lymphatic system
- Respiratory system
- Digestive system
- Urinary system
- Reproductive system
How you will study:
This is a web-based learning module. You will be given access to the Student Course Site where you can work through the module in your own time. As you progress, you will be assessed informally then submit a final assessment under examination conditions.
Why study this module?
We believe that having a sound understanding of Anatomy and Physiology is essential to your core Bowen studies. The course can be taken on its own for those interested in enhancing their understanding of the body and for those preparing for certification with the Canadian Examining Board of Health Care Practitioners (CEBHCP) in the future.
COST: $450.00 (USD)

E-functional Muscle Anatomy eCourse
The Muscle Anatomy course covers the physical aspects of the human body and how the body moves. You will learn the origin, insertion and action of the muscles of the body and how to see the muscles in relation to the body contour.
CE Hours= 94 hours
$450.00 (USD)
This anatomy course teaches the function, origin, and insertion of the muscles of the body. The focus of the course assists the student with the dynamic understanding of each muscle associated with the Bowen Protocols.
It will cover the origin, insertion, and action of the muscles of the body and how to the muscles can be seen in relation to the body contour. This knowledge will assist the therapist in assessing a client’s individual needs in order to alleviate health problems, stress, and balance body functions.
The subjects covered include:
- Anatomical position, directional and regional terminology
- Structures of shoulder and upper arm
- Structures of forearm and hand
- Structures of spine and thorax
- Structures of head, neck, and face
- Structures of pelvis and thigh
- Structures of the lower leg and foot
How you will study:
This is a web-based learning module. You will be given access to an e-campus where you can work through the module in your own time. As you progress, you will be assessed informally then submit a final assessment under examination conditions.
Why study this module?
We believe that having a sound understanding of Muscle Anatomy is essential to your core Bowen studies.The course can be taken on its own but is an essential pre-requisite for the Certified Bowen Healthcare Therapist programme if you do not have equivalent prior training.
COST: $450.00 (USD)

Nutrition & Bowen eCourse
In this course, you will be introduced the fundamentals of holistic nutrition and how to make basic dietary suggestions to the clients in relation to improving Bowen treatments. This course will equip the practitioner with most of the nutritional considerations needed to help them guide the patient into quick recovery.
CE Hours = 40 hours
$350.00 (USD)
The course will introduce the basics of nutrition, to allow students to recognize the impact of a client’s diet on their health and wellbeing.
- Nutrition basics
- Macronutrients
- Healthy diets
- Micro-nutrients
- Vitamins and minerals
- Holistic nutritional approach
- Nutrition through the life cycle
- Nutrition and detoxification
- Sports nutrition
- Anti-inflammatory nutrition
- Food allergies and intolerances
- Nutrition and Chinese medicine
- Nutrition and health according to Tom Bowen
- Psychosocial aspects of food and nutrition
How you will study:
This is a web-based learning module. You will be given access to an e-campus where you can work through the module in your own time. As you progress, you will be assessed informally then submit a final assessment under examination conditions.
Why study this module?
We believe that having gained this additional knowledge will compliment your core Bowen studies and give you relevant information for your practice.
The course can be taken on its own but is an essential module to qualify as a Certified Bowen Healthcare Therapist.
COST: $350.00 (USD)

Bowen Meridian Medicine eCourse
This course is an introduction to a series of courses that cover the premise of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and its foundation concept of ‘meridians’. This course serves as a basic backdrop to Meridian Medicine and offers another perspective in understanding the health of your patient.
CE Hours = 40 hours
$350.00 (USD)
Bowen Meridian Connections:
This course will introduce the concepts of energy meridians and how they correlate with myofascial pathways:
- The basics of Yin and Yang
- TCM energetics
- Meridians and associated organs
- Key points on the meridians
- The Five Element theory
- Bowen moves and associations with meridians
- Vital substances
- Qi – definition and functions
- Pathologies of Qi
- Element personalities
- Treatment using Five Elements theory
- The organ systems
- Meridians and TCM
- Practical applications of TCM and Bowen combinations
How you will study:
This is a web-based learning module. You will be given access to an e-campus where you can work through the module in your own time. As you progress, you will be assessed informally then submit a final assessment under examination conditions.
Why study this module?We believe that having gained this additional knowledge will compliment your core Bowen studies and give you relevant information for your practice.
The course can be taken on its own but is an essential module to qualify as a Certified Bowen Healthcare Therapist.
Cost: $350.00 (USD)

LISTEN Principles: How to Awaken True Leadership
Learn how to LISTEN when your body speaks so you can OWN your health and come from a place of clarity, confidence, and conviction. Imagine trusting your body and making the right choices for your health! This course will allow you to align Bowen College’s philosophy of healing with that of yourself, so you can be the most successful practitioner/healthcare provider you desire to be.
$997.00 (USD)
- This course plus the 50 hours of coaching calls walks the health practitioner or holistic healer into the journey of healing. It is imperative that the healer heal themselves to be able to hold the space for their clients. The current version of this program focuses on healing yourself but it also gives you insights and tools to help your clients.In this program, you will learn how to LISTEN when your body speaks so you can OWN your health and come from a place of clarity, confidence, and conviction. Imagine trusting your body and making the right choices for your health!
- L for Love
- I for Inquire
- S for Symptoms
- T for Touch
- E for Engage
- N for Now
How you will study:
This is a web-based learning module. You will be given access to an e-campus where you can work through the module in your own time.
COST: $997.00 (USD)

Get Your Patients Committed to Their Health eCourse
This course is designed to change the way you get clients/patients to commit to care, because once they commit to care, the issue about money and concerns about patient retention go away. The real problem facing practitioners today is how do you keep your new patients and how to make them commit to lifelong treatment. It is much harder to keep finding new patients on your own than nourish the relationship with the patients that you have. The truth is that practitioners tend to spend most of their time looking for new clients when if they spent 80% of their time nurturing and making sure that they are giving their patients everything they need, they would be ahead of the game.
$497.00 (USD)
How you will study:
This is a web-based learning module. You will be given access to an e-campus where you can work through the module in your own time. As you progress, you will be assessed informally then submit a final assessment under examination conditions.
Cost: $497.00 (USD)

Boost Your Exposure eCourse
Join this 5-day challenge, and discover how to optimize your online visibility and gain more clients, so you can focus on your business. Promoting yourself doesn’t have to be hard. By making it easy for clients to find you,
You can either purchase right away by clicking the button below OR you if you still are not sure or have questions you can contact us to set up a consultation where we can see how this might fit into your life and answer all of your questions.
TOTAL COST: $497.00 (USD)
Course Description
Join “Boost Your Exposure” 5 Day Challenge and Discover…
- Optimize your position on google so you can focus on your expertise instead.
- Step-by-step- system to ensure your visibility, so that clients could benefit from your services can actually find you.
- Expose your practice and business, serve more people and grow your practice.
TOTAL COST: $150.00 (USD)

You’re about to move from being a student practitioner to sharing your gifts with the public! Congratulations, every story we have heard from our graduates is a unique and personal journey of transformation. Whether it has taken several years or several months you are approaching a new beginning! To make it simple and pain free we are here to help you get through the logistics of setting up your business by putting together the basics of what you need to begin.
$450.00 (USD)
Included in the Biz Set Up:
- Initial payment and application for the Canadian Examining Board of Health Care Practitioners (CEBHCP) Value: $500
- A 50% discount for membership to the International Institute of Complementary Therapies (IICT) which includes representation on their website for you and your clinic *Bowen College graduates only
- A 50% discount for the first year of your Malpractice Insurance necessary for all practitioners with Holmann Insurance *restrictions apply
How you will study:
This is a web-based learning module. You will be given access to an e-campus where you can work through the module in your own time. As you progress, you will be assessed informally then submit a final assessment under examination conditions.
COST: $450.00 (USD)

Found eCourse
Everything you need to know about building your Online
Visibility to attract and nurture clients
You must have oodles of content that could benefit your client.
What if you knew how to create and use that content consistently and nurture your new online clients?
Everything you need to know about building your Online Visibility to attract and nurture
If you are serious about your practice and want to stay in business, you need to understand how to operate Online. I’m not saying you must learn this with me, but you must learn it.
In the Found Program you will:
- A clear strategy for your content
- Optimized Social Media Platforms
- Ability to repurpose content and distribute it
- Reach more people you can help
- Have a system you can trust to keep your clinic booming
- Make more income delivering your knowledge
- A strategy so clients find you without you chasing them
- Continue to transform people’s lives, just more people
$997.00 (USD)
You must have oodles of content that could benefit your client.
What if you knew how to create and use that content consistently and nurture your new online clients?
These are the questions you should be asking yourself:
- How do you transform your content into small sound bites that connect with the needs of your clients?
- How do you address the different levels of audience?
- Do you have an Online content strategy to nurture your potential customers so that they can get to know, like and trust you?
- Have you figured out what to post on your Facebook profile and on your page?
- Are you aware that they are two different things?
- Are all your social media platforms optimized?
- Do you know on which social media platforms your clients spend most of their time?
- Do you know how to set up distribution shortcuts?
- Do you know how they like to consume information?
- Are you comfortable with video?
- What steps can you take to get more comfortable? Video is surpassing any medium as far as open rates.
- Do you know how to convert one medium to another?
- You don’t want an advanced degree in marketing. You want an advanced degree in impact and you just need to learn some of the marketing too.
Module 1 – Let’s Get Rid of the Stinking Thinking
Module 2 – Your Ideal Client Module
2.1 – Your Ideal Client Module
2.2 – Understanding the Marketplace Module
2.3 – Understanding Content Marketing
Bonus: Interview with Dr Manon and Jill Lublin
Module 3 – Your Message
Module 3 – Your Ideal Audience and Brand Story
Bonus: Interview with Dr Manon and Amanda Baye
Module 3.1 – Your Message
How To Set-up Your Social Medias
Overview of Social Media
Business Listing Template
How To Set-up Facebook,
Page and Group
Bonus: Interview with Dr Manon and Alina Vincent
How to Set-up YouTube
How to Upload Videos to YouTube
How To Set-up Twitter
Bonus: Surprise Interview
How to Set-up LinkedIn & Basics
Bonus: Interview with Dr Manon and Christine Till
Instagram Basics
Bonus: Interview with Dr Manon and Suzanne Evans
Module 4 – Reverse Engineering Your Content
How To Set-up Zoom
How to Tag Your Videos
How to do a Live Video on Facebook
How to place podcasts and use Libsyn
How to use Canva and create images
How to crop your pictures with Pixlr
How to use HootSuite
How to set up for teleprompter
How to get your audio transcribed with Temi Transcriber
How to record a powerpoint
How to edit video on imovies
Module 5 – Content Creation
Module 5.1 How to audio hacks, google dictate, voice memo, audio-note
Module 5.2 Interview with Manon and Michael McConkey Twitter for Research
Module 5.3 – Content Creation
Module 5.4 – Conclusion – Connect
COST: $997.00 (USD) Click here to Join Found

Wide Awake Marketing eCourse
Do you want to increase your revenue and the impact you’re having on your clients without working more or going into the office?
So I have decided to make this easy for you. My team and I created
The Integrated Marketing Navigation System
Holistic health requires a deep understanding of the whole body. Everything is connected.
The same is true for holistic marketing.
$2497.00 (USD)
What you will get from this course.
What we do for you:
- A Visibility Assessment
- A Digital audit
- A Snapshot Report on your position
- We check your Business Listing – making sure your information is accurate and consistent across multiple platforms (Google, Facebook, Yelp, +26 others
- We report back on your reputation – see what people are saying and how you stack up against your competition
- We will give head to head comparisons of how you rank against your competition, and industry through Social Media
- We provide you Website analysis – is your site mobile friendly? Does it load quickly? What can you fix to make the buyer experience better?
- We audit your Ads – are you connecting with the right audience, at the right time, or letting your customers steal customers from right under your nose?
- We provide a SEO analysis – after completing all of the elements above, are you using organic content and your expertise to drive qualified traffic to your website?
- If you have identified that the biggest problem is lurking in your Subconscious, we have a hypnotherapist that will uncover these pieces and start to free your from them. This is your chance to put them behind you.
- You can copy and paste all types of Email Sequence
- We give you templates and systems for building your online funnel
What we teach you:
- An overview of the complete Marketing System
- The steps to transform your product or training into an Integrated System
- How to identify the core technology you need
- How to build a support team that helps you stay on track
- How to get a handle on the different types of Email Sequences
- How to use testing to build your “Evergreen System”
- How to create compelling copy and captivating design
- How to create your website, landing page and sales page
- The ins and outs of:
- Social Media: Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram
- Multimedia: How to create Podcasts, Blogs and Video
- Interactive Media: Run webinars, online summits and Facebook challenges
- How to design your signature speech and your Ted Talk
- How to collect payments
- How to organize product launches
What we do with you:
- Help you position yourself as an expert
- Identify your ideal client and their needs
- Create a powerful message that attracts your ideal clients
- Package, structure and monetize your work
- Help you understand how to brand yourself
- Create a Lead Magnet
- How to save thousands of dollars on technology
- Set up your appointment software
- Strategize your landing page and sales page
- Strategize your support team to help you stay on track
- Help you create different types of Email Sequences
- Create an action plan to promote your speaking, your events, and your programs
- Create opportunities for Joint Venture Partnerships
What you get is an easy and graceful introduction to getting online, more clients, more revenue, less work, and an exciting future.
COST: $2497.00 (USD) Click here for More Information about Wide Awake Marketing

How to Listen & Awaken True Leadership
How Heart-centered Entrepreneurs, Compassionate Leaders, and
Advocates for Change in the Wellness Space, can
Manifest True Leadership.
Can you relate to a of the following?
★ You still aren’t offering a full integrative program for your patients.
★ When you make mindfulness recommendations, you suffer from Imposter syndrome.
★ When you compare yourself to others, you have FOMO (the fear of missing out) because you know it’s your time to offer a program that helps patients deal with their daily life & stressors.
★ You have the nagging feeling that you need to know more, do more, and be more, but you realize if you wait the opportunity will pass.
★ You feel that you are so close but just not close enough and therefore, not showing up with your biggest Self.
★ You want to reach more people with your expertise but are not online or tech savvy and don’t understand the specific tasks you need to complete to reach your target audience.
If so you are not alone.
Become a Wide Awake Leader TODAY!
$4,997.00 (USD)
Whether you are a holistic healer, practitioner, therapist, fitness pro, or any other healing professional, you will gain access to the best techniques, tools, and strategies and leave with a complete view of the next most essential steps you must take to establish your online credibility, your message, and how to package your expertise.
Work for more impact instead of simply working hard!
You will be able to create more time for what matters most in your life…and help your clients live a happier and healthier life by reaching your goals of creating transformations for those yu serve by sharing your expertise.
- L for Love
- I for Inquire
- S for Symptoms
- T for Touch
- E for Engage
- N for Now
PLUS – Wide Awake Marketing
How you will study:
This is a web-based learning module. You will be given access to eCourses where you can work through the module in your own time.
COST: $4,997.00 (USD)