The Practice Abundance System:
Increase your Confidence, Income & Impact

Now that you know how to Get Your Patients Committed to Re-book
What if you had a sure fire way of enrol them in your services withour feeling uncomfortable, salesy & have even a bigger impact?

You will discover:

1: Why selling is serving

2: How to enrol patients into the best version of themselves

3: How to Heal your money blocks, charge for your work and understand your valuebut why am I the one to help you?

As a board-certified naturopathic physician since 1992, I’ve seen an average of 150 patients per week and have helped people ranging from rural farmers in Nova Scotia to stressed out CEOs in Toronto to tri-athletes here in Vancouver. I have also had 4 practices across the country, with waiting lists and I am passionate to help both spread highly effective and simple methods that impact people’s lives and also help practitioners live in integrity with a lifestyle that supports them and nourishes them. This means having financial freedom and real time.

So when I tell you that the PRACTICE ABUNDANCE SYSTEM is a game changer, I am speaking from the expertise and direct experience!

Practitioners tell their stories of transformation and possibility,
as a result of incorporating some of the aspects I teach into their practice:

       I believe there are no coincidences and the path of a healer is one of transformation on all levels. Personal, of course since our own journey helps us connect to others. Professional, in that letting people know what we do from a place of fully standing behind and honouring our is gifts is another journey. The journey to embodying all aspects of practice, life and possibility requires a clear understanding of one’s most profound values. We are not taught that in school or in business school, it is this synergy I wish to share with you.How lasting empowerment allows you to truly be the AUTHOR of your own destiny.

      Please watch the video if you have not yet and come join me by taking charge of your practice now!


So let’s talk about Step 1 of the Practice Abundance System 

Module 1: “Why “Selling” Is Serving”

Inside this powerful module, you will discover…

  • Why money is NOT the real issue
  • Strategies to increase your sense of self worth
  • 3 Key components of getting more clients without ever selling

“The most important step that accelerated a transformation in my own practice was to observe the ease with which Dr. Manon listened to her patients and the presence she gave them, especially when they were confused about their progress.Her ability to contextualize their healing experience and remind them of their healing path was so powerful that they all came back for more. “

Dr. Denise Rochon, ND

Step 2

Module 2: How to enrol patients into the best version of themselves

Inside this powerful module, you will discover…


  • How to Identify and address the number #1 issue for your patient and enrol them into your services
  • How to hold the space for them to believe in themselves
  • How to align their health goals with their life goals so they tell everyone they know about you

Step 3

Module 3: Healing Your Money Blocks

Inside this powerful module, you will discover…

  • Your limiting beliefs around money
  • The true experience of abundance, and shed once and for all the crippling scarcity mentality
  • The difference between spending money and investing in yourself

Are you ready to start having fun as you master the 3 Key Strategies to bring abundance, uplevel your practice and say YES to your life?

Basically, when you spent all those years to learn your skills, it was because you knew you could help people with them.
But you also thought that doing what’s right and what you love, would allow you to have an integrated lifestyle aligned with your values of time for self, time for family, time for creativity and the things you love.

But if you don’t get in front of people- you can’t do the thing that you have always wanted to do. The thing that brings you joy, that makes you happy, that fulfil you – that are fun for you.

Let’s face it we are all givers, creators, artists and teachers. But at the same time we must be able to get in front of a client or patients and inspire them to take the steps they need to take, to live the life they deserve.


What you will get inside this powerful course is:

  • videos that will walk you through all that is listed above plus so much more…

  • My exact interview process to enrolling my patients
  • Downloadable work sheets and check lists to ensure your success.


You also get this incredible bonus

– available on this page only.

BONUS #1: A ticket to the live event Practice Mastery

  • Fine tune your own healing process and learn new ways with Dr. Manon’s insights and unique transformational methods.
  • How to position yourself and market yourself so that you get patients whenever you want to.
  • Have a community of like minded healers to collaborate with and engage with.
    Value: $1497.00

Imagine if you could…

  • Discover one strategy you can implement right now in your practice that would lead the way to success.

  • Raise your expectations for your life in case you come last on the list.
  • Understand how your personal journey is linked to your professional journey and how this can serve you.