Often, our view of optimal health is categorized as being symptom free.
However, being symptom free does not equal optimal health as we are taught to mask our symptoms with medications and pain-pills.
Being healthy and discovering true optimal health begins with uncovering past traumas to both your body and mind.
The process of uncovering traumas you may not even be aware of and beginning to look for the meaning behind your symptoms, instead of masking them, begins with learning how to LISTEN to your body.
Healing is a commitment, a journey, and as you begin to depart from the standard thinking of what optimal health is…
…you will more easily move from fear and confusion into an empowered new reality in the face of your own symptoms or disease.
Your body is speaking, are you listening?
Register TODAY for your FREE introduction to Manon Bolliger’s LISTEN
program delivered directly to your inbox and begin to learn how to
LISTEN to your body to move from dis-ease to optimal health.
You will receive a free 5 minute video via email every day for 7 days.
This is the 1st step to optimize your health and foster effective healing.
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